Anger Management for Teens

In-office individual and group programs are available!

Information for Parents and Teachers

Anger is an emotional state we have all felt at one time or another. And it may vary from mild irritation to an explosive blind rage. Anger, like all our emotions is accompanied by physiological changes including increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and change in adrenaline. When out of check, our anger affects our relationships, our career, and our reputation.

Anger is a natural and instinctive way for us to respond to threats in our environment. It allows us to fight back and defend ourselves when we are attacked, which is necessary for our survival. But we can’t go around attacking everything and everyone that makes us angry. Anger may also be a reaction to other emotions we may be feeling like anxiety, fear or sadness. If these feelings are too painful to experience in the moment, we may express anger as a way of avoiding or taking control of these painful emotions.

Understanding and Conquering Anger for Teens is available as an individualized or group mental health therapy and psycho-education program. It is specifically designed for teens whose anger is negatively affecting their relationships, families, education and overall happiness. This eight-week program helps teens: 

      • Side-step provocations
      • Calm angry urges
      • Find new solutions to social problems
      • Improve social and interpersonal skills
      • Express anger in appropriate and productive ways
      • Repair damaged relationships

This program includes working with a trained therapist, videos and presentations on anger, discussion and in session exercises and activities designed for teens.

Here is an abbreviated list of topics addressed by this program:

  • Anger is an emotion that can energize you to take constructive or destructive action.
  • Aggression and anger are not the same thing.
  • Anger is related to anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug use, heart disease and stroke.
  • Anger comes from what you have learned, how you think and your innate nature.
  • Not every problematic person or situation needs to be immediately addressed.
  • How you approach social problems sets the stage for conditions in your life to improve, get worse or stay the same.
  • To replace harsh self-talk with statements that reflect self-acceptance and a willingness to learn from mistakes.
  • Your personal values represent the big-picture direction of your life and will require continuous attention and adjustment throughout your lifetime.
  • It is possible to notice your angry thoughts and feelings without acting on them or giving in to them.
  • Remaining unforgiving is associated with obsessive thoughts about the past, grudges, avoidance, and a desire for revenge.
  • Developing the ability to calm your body and your mind will help you respond less impulsively to challenging situations.
  • Learning to be more effective in interactions with others will help you reduce your anger and live a happier life.
  • It is imperative that you consider the other person’s perspective.
  • Verbal aggression and accusations make situations worse because they shut others down and increase the likelihood others will get angry at you.
  • Self-awareness is the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively through reflection and introspection.

An estimated 9% of Americans have impulsive anger issues.  If you think your teen’s anger may be out of control, if it is affecting their relationships and other important parts their life, Understanding and Conquering Anger may be the solution for them. 

2 WAYS TO GET STARTED:        Call (262) 793-0990          Email: [email protected]


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