Information for Parents and Teachers - Teen Anger

A group of happy teens outside of school.

The Understanding and Conquering Teen Anger program was designed specifically with teenagers in mind. Programs designed for adults, including our own adult program, have proven to be ineffective for addressing teenage anger. This program can be used for individual or group counseling. Each of the 8 sessions will include presentations, videos, discussion, games and writing / drawing activities. To help you better understand your teen’s experience in the program we have summarized each session below.

Week 1 - What Anger Is…Really

During this first session your teen will be building a relationship with their therapist and other group members if participating in the group program. An assessment of your teen’s particular anger style will be completed, and we will begin creating an understanding of how humans are wired, how the teen brain changes to an adult brain and why we respond to events as we do.

Week 2 - Managing your Anger by Managing Your Lifestyle

When we look at the causes of anger, we don’t usually consider lifestyle and environmental factors. We will be exploring habits and environment as a first step to reducing angry reactions. We will be looking at food and nutrition, drugs and alcohol, sleep, music, colors, smells, and lighting. Screen time and social media will also be addressed as one of these important factors.

Week 3 – The Importance of Personal Values

Ghandi said “True happiness is when what we say, what we do and what we think are in harmony”. Understanding our core values is critical for our overall happiness. Our values are important perspectives that guide a person’s decision-making process and inform our relationships with others. Your teen will be identifying their values and discuss how those values inform their decision making and behavior. Understanding personal or “core” values and their importance will be a thread through the remainder of the program.

Week 4 – Changing Your Internal Anger Experience

Some will say, “my anger just comes over me”. This is a reaction is a result of dysfunctional reinforcement. Their angry behavior may have resulted in benefits they haven’t noticed. When rewarded for their anger, that anger is reinforced and seems natural to them.

Your teen can replace angry reactions with new behaviors that produce better results. Techniques exist that when practiced when we are angry can change the way we feel. By changing our anger experience, we reclaim the power to make choices that get our needs met.

Weeks 5 and 6 – The Teen Journey: Identity, Significance, Relationships & Competencies

Your teen is on a 10-year journey where they are challenged to let go of their known world of childhood, face a wide variety of tough challenges and master the ways of a young adult. Your teen is currently forming an identity as a young adult, developing more mature relationships and building a wide range of competencies.

Just as lifestyle and environment have an impact on our anger, this 10-year journey teens face adds frustration and uncertainty also impacting their anger. How your teen manages their anger will determine the outcome of their journey. Likewise, how your teen manages their journey will impact their anger.

We will address this journey during weeks 5 and 6 so your teen has the tools to become a resilient young adult getting their needs met in appropriate and productive ways.

Week 7 – Conflict Resolution & The Wise Mind

Each of us has a unique way of responding to events around us. For some of us, a particular event or stimulus will trigger us to become angry while another person completely ignores the event as unmeaningful. By becoming aware of the specific situations, statements or actions of others that trigger us, we can change the way we react.

We can also respond in more productive less destructive ways. The Wise Mind technique can help your teen understand their emotions and empathize with others, enabling more compassionate and effective communication during conflicts.

Week 8 – Forgiving and Apologizing

Forgiveness is important because of what happens when you don’t forgive. A thoughtful apology can mend a relationship while a thoughtless one may cause further conflict.

During this session we will learn what forgiveness really means. We will also explore instances where forgiveness might not be helpful. For example, when the behavior being forgiven is repeated, making the behavior seem “OK” to the transgressor. Your teen will also learn what makes a good apology and prepare one of their own. 


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